If iPage is not the hosting for you, we can suggest you with a load of alternatives. We always advice that you should not choose web hosting random. It is a very crucial part for your website’s success.
You should analyse them on parameters like, pricing, features, value for money, load time, up time, customer support etc. These are some of the most important things that you will need in a web host (we say with experience as we are in the business of digital marketing and websites).
We suggest you do test and review web hosts yourself, if you have the time and resources, nothing better like it. Otherwise, you can check out our reviews and decide which one you would like to go for.
We do review web hosting companies and analyse them on parameters that we think are really important and one should definitely look for in a web hosting company. We have reviewed some major brands, big names and new ones too.
Here are some of the web hosts which we have reviewed,
If you would like us to review a web host, leave it in the comments below.
Web Hosting Coupons
We not review the web hosts for you, but we do offer coupons and deals to our visitors. You can use our affiliate link and avail the benefits mentioned in the coupons.